Kluger Kaplan's Daniel Rosen Reappointed to Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
By Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, P.L. January 18, 2018
Complex commercial litigation firm Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine announces that Daniel N. Rosen, Partner-in-Charge of the firm’s Minneapolis office, was appointed by Governor Mark Dayton to a second term as a member of the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board.
The Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board is tasked with regulating campaign finance and lobbyist activities in state campaigns. Mr. Rosen has served on the board since 2014 and served as its Chair between 2016 and 2017. His new term will run through January 2022.
“I am honored that Governor Dayton has appointed me to serve another term on this critically important board,” said Mr. Rosen. “Transparency and disclosure in campaign finance is essential to our election process, and I look forward to working alongside my colleagues to ensure these values continue to be upheld.”
As Partner-in-Charge of Kluger Kaplan’s Minneapolis office, Mr. Rosen focuses his practice on complex commercial and real estate litigation. He is a leading Minnesota lawyer representing property owners in eminent domain takings and has represented major national corporations including Exxon Mobil, Walgreens and Sears Holdings. Mr. Rosen is a former officer in the United States Navy and served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
The Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board consists of six members, appointed by the Governor of Minnesota on a bi-partisan basis for staggered four-year terms. The appointments must be confirmed by a three-fifths vote of the members of each house of the legislature. Its mission is to promote public confidence in state government decision-making through development, administration, and enforcement of disclosure and public financing programs.