Parents tour art collection, support Jewish day school
By Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, P.L. June 10, 2015
The Parents’ Association of The Gordon Schools of Beth David Congregation in Miami recently got creative when they organized a fundraiser that included a tour of an art collection covering the walls of a local law firm.
The law firm Kluger Kaplan in Downtown Miami hosted this fundraiser and its proceeds went to The Gordon School Scholarship Fund. The law firm donated the food and wine for the event. The art collection that hangs on the law firm’s walls belongs to Alan Kluger, the firm’s founding partner, who has had a long passion for art and led the tour during the event along with his wife, Amy Dean, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s general campaign chair. They are both Gordon School grandparents.
“We opened the firm’s space to be able to allow organizations to use it as public space to raise funds and I couldn’t think of any organization better than my grandchildren’s Jewish day school to be the first organization to use this space to raise money,” Kluger noted.
Read more: Parents tour art collection, support Jewish day school